Thursday, August 25, 2011

PCHR weekly report 18/8 - 24/8/2011: 3 attacks opposite Gaza Harbor and Jabalya

extracts from PCHR weekly report 18/8 - 24/8/2011:

Saturday, 20 August 2011

At approximately 12:50, Israeli gunboats stationed opposite to Gaza Harbor opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats. Palestinian fishermen were forced to flee and no casualties were reported.

At approximately 20:30, Israeli gunboats stationed opposite to the northern Gaza Strip town of Jabalya opened fire at a number of Palestinian fishing boats. Palestinian fishermen were forced to flee and no casualties were reported.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

At approximately 04:30, Israeli gunboats stationed opposite to the northern Gaza Strip town of Jabalya opened fire at a number of Palestinian fishing boats. Palestinian fishermen were forced to flee and no casualties were reported.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

CPSGaza Report - July and August 2011


Since the 23th of July the Oliva can not fulfill its mission as an international observer, due to the engine spoiling attack. Since then the Oliva has being working with its land team in coordination with local Human Rights organizations like PCHR.

The land team was formed by two international observers and a Palestinian observer.

During this period of time 2 attacks from Israeli Navy over Palestinian fishermen were reported; the 15th and 16th of August.

The attacks took place in Northern Gaza Strip. The first attack came from Israeli control towers, which opened fire against a group of fishermen that were fishing in the beach (at 300 meters from the border). As a result of the attack Yassin Ali Zayed, 41 years old, was wounded by a bullet in his right leg. The second attack took place in the sea, opposite to Beit Lahia, and Palestinian fishermen were force to sail back to the beach. No casualties were reported.

In both attacks life ammunition was used against the fishermen.

Monday, August 22, 2011

CPSGaza Report - Friday, 19 August 2011


 Today, a fishermen boat, with three international people from de CPSGaza inside, was attacked by the israeli navy when they were 3 miles from the Gaza coast. These attacks against civilians violates the article 3 of the 4th Geneva convention which applies in a situation of Occupation.

Although by now the Olive can not fulfill its mission as an international observer, due to the engine spoiling attack which took place last 23th July, Gaza CPS members continue their work, monitoring Human Rights violation in the Gaza coasts.

At 11 am, the ship was working at a point near the town of Rafah, keeping the distance of three nautical miles from shore, according to fishermen. Then, an Israeli navy ship approached and without warning, opened fire into the water, near the fishing boat. After a few tense minutes, they went away. Accordint to the fishermen, they left after watching more clearly that there were three international on the boat,

Several naval ships had approached before, but never to such extremes. just watching
and controlling the fishermen's activities.

No one was hurt in the accident, and both fishermen and three international (citizens from Spain and France) could return to the harbour.


Israel has been regularly attacking Palestinian fishermen within the purported 3 nautical mile fishing limit. The livelihood of many Gazans relies on fishing and Israel has been using live ammunition and water cannons to prevent fishermen from doing their work.

The Israeli Siege continues after more than 4 years, limiting the sea area available for the Gaza population. This area was supposed to be 20 miles according to the Jericho agreements from 1994 (under the Oslo accords), then it was reduced to 12 miles, to 6 miles and now to 3 miles since December 2008.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

PCHR weekly report 11/8 - 17/8/2011: 1 fisherman wounded on shore, 1 attack off Beit Lahia shore

extracts from PCHR weekly report 11/8 - 17/8/2011:

IOF continued to attack Palestinian fishermen and fishing boats in the Gaza Strip.
A Palestinian fisherman was wounded in the northern Gaza Strip.

Monday, 15 August 2011

At approximately 10:30, Israeli soldiers stationed on observation towers at the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel to the northwest of the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Lahia opened fire at a number of Palestinian fishermen who were fishing at the beach. As a result, a fisherman, Yassin ‘Ali Zayed, 41, from al-Salatin area in Beit Lahia, was wounded by a bullet to the right leg. Zayed was nearly 300 meters away from the border. 

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

At approximately 20:40, Israeli gunboats opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats opposite to Beit Lahia beach in the northern Gaza Strip. Palestinian fishermen were forced to sail back to the beach and no casualties were reported.

Monday, August 15, 2011

IOF Open Fire at and Injure Palestinian Fisherman in North Gaza District


At approximately 10:30 am on Monday 15 August 2011, Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) opened fire at Yaseen Ali Yaseen Zayid, 41, while he was fishing in the As-Siafa area west of Beit Lahiya town, in North Gaza district. As a result, Zayid sustained a bullet wound in the right leg. He was about 300 meters from the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel when the IOF opened fire at him. Zayid was admitted to Kamal Odwan Hospital to receive medical treatment. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Support CPSGaza: Keep international observers sailing in Gaza


 Spanish, French, Italian and German below

The Civil Peace Service Gaza is an international, non-partisan, non-violent initiative to monitor potential human rights violations in Gazan territorial waters. In coordination with local organizations and fishermen, the aim of this international mission is to address the principal problem of ongoing violations of Palestinian fishermen's human rights. By accompanying the boats of Palestinians trying to make a livelihood from fishing in the Gazan sea, CPSGaza hopes to capture the international community and pressure the Israeli government to end the ongoing attacks against fishermen.

There are 4450 fishermen and the fishing industry employs another 2000 workers who support approximately 40,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and those who seek a livelihood at sea face arrest, injury and death. With unemployment figures at an estimated 45.2%, the significance of fishing is incontrovertible.

The boat manned by international human rights observers, named Oliva, accompanies the fishermen on a regular basis to document and publicize daily Israeli aggression. Since the launch of the project in April, the crew has been targeted by Israeli naval forces, but continued to fulfill the CPSGaza mission, undeterred.

During the latest voyage, the force used by Israel to ram the Oliva, destroyed the engine of the boat and we are asking for your help. The expenses of the project have significantly increased due to the engine. Your contribution can help us expand our outreach and raise awareness about the situation in Gaza. In the short time since the launch of CPSG; over 50 organizations have endorsed this mission, we have had over 12,000 visitors to our website ( and have already been covered by several prominent news sources.

In order to continue our work, we need your financial support. Please consider making a donation online via PayPal (, transferring funds to our bank account or making a tax-deductible donation.

You can also show your support by endorsing this project: individual endorsement ( or organizational endorsement (

Spanish: Solicitud de apoyo al CPSGaza: Para que los observadores internacionales continúen navegando en Gaza

El Servicio de Paz Civil de Gaza es una iniciativa internacional, no-partidista, noviolenta para monitorizar las violaciones potenciales de los derechos humanos en las aguas territoriales gazatíes. En coordinación con organizaciones locales y pescadores, el objetivo de esta misión internacional es hacer frente al principal problema de las violaciones continuas de los derechos humanos de los pescadores palestinos. Acompañando a los barcos de los palestinos que tratan de ganarse la vida pescando en las aguas de Gaza, el CPSGaza confía captar a la comunidad internacional para que presione al gobierno israelí a cesar sus ataques contra los pescadores.

Hay 4.450 pescadores y la industria pesquera da empleo a otros 2000 trabajadores que permiten subsistir a unos 40.000 palestinos de la Franja de Gaza y los que buscan su medio de vida en el mar se enfrentan a ser arrestados, heridos y muertos. Con un tasa de paro que se estima en un 45.2%, el sector pesquero es de gran importancia.

El barco, tripulado por observadores internacionales por los derechos humanos se llama ‘Oliva’, y acompaña a los pescadores regularmente para documentar y visualizar las diarias agresiones israelíes. Desde el lanzamiento del proyecto en Abril, la tripulación ha sido objetivo de las fuerzas navales israelíes, pero ha continuado cumpliendo la misión CPSGaza, sin dejarse intimidar.

Durante la última travesía, la fuerza que utilizó Israel para atacar el ‘Oliva’ destrozó el motor del barco y por ellos os pedimos vuestra ayuda. Los gastos del proyecto se han incrementado de modo significativo debido al motor. Tu contribución puede ayudarnos a expander nuestro alcance y a sensibilizar sobre la situación de Gaza. En el corto tiempo desde que se hizo el lanzamiento del CSPG, más de 50 organizaciones han respaldado esta misión, hemos tenido más de 12.000 visitantes en nuestra página Web ( y la información ya ha sido cubierta por varios medios de comunicación destacados.

Para continuar nuestro trabajo, necesitamos tu apoyo económico. Te rogamos que consideres hacer una donación en línea a través de PayPal (, transfiriendo fondos a nuestra cuenta bancaria o haciendo una donación deducible de impuestos.

También puedes mostrar tu apoyo, apoyando con tu firma este proyecto: apoyo individual ( ó apoyo de organizaciones, en (

French: Soutenez CPSGaza pour maintenir à flot le bateau des observateurs internationaux à Gaza

Le Service civil de Paix-Gaza (CPSGaza) est une initiative internationale, sans affiliation politique, non violente qui surveille les violations potentielles des droits de l'homme dans les eaux territoriales de Gaza. En coordination avec des organisations locales et des pêcheurs, cette mission internationale a pour but de recenser le problème principal des violations continuelles des droits humains des pêcheurs palestiniens. En accompagnant les bateaux des Palestiniens qui essaient de gagner leur vie par la pêche, CPSGaza espère alerter la communauté internationale et faire pression sur le gouvernement israélien pour qu'il mette fin à ses attaques incessantes contre les pêcheurs.

Il y a à Gaza 4.450 pêcheurs et l'industrie de la pêche emploie 2.000 autres travailleurs qui subviennent aux besoins d'environ 40.000 Palestiniens dans la Bande de Gaza; ceux qui cherchent à gagner leur vie en mer au large de Gaza courent le risque d'être arrêtés, blessés et tués. Avec un taux de non-emploi d'environ 45,2%, l'importance de la pêche est incontestable.

Le canot à moteur armé par les observateurs internationaux pour les droits de l'homme, appelé "Oliva", accompagne régulièrement les pêcheurs pour documenter et attirer l'attention sur les attaques israéliennes quotidiennes. Depuis le lancement du projet en avril, l'équipage a été la cible des forces navales israéliennes mais continue de remplir la mission du CPSGaza sans céder aux tentatives d'intimidation.

Pendant sa dernière sortie en mer, Israël a percuté le Oliva avec une telle violence que le moteur a été détruit, et nous sollicitons votre aide. La destruction du moteur a considérablement augmenté les frais du projet. Votre contribution peut nous aider à étendre la portée de notre travail et à attirer l'attention sur la situation à Gaza. Dans la courte période qui a suivi le lancement de CPSG, plus de 50 organisations ont approuvé cette mission, nous avons eu plus de 12.000 visiteurs sur notre site en ligne, CPSGAZA ( et notre initiative a déjà été couverte par plusieurs sources d'informations de premier plan.

Pour que nous puissions continuer notre travail, nous avons besoin de votre soutien financier. Merci de penser à faire un don en ligne par PayPal (, à verser des fonds sur notre compte bancaire ou à faire un don déductible de vos impôts.

Vous pouvez aussi exprimer votre soutien en appuyant ce projet : appui individuel ( ou appui d'une organisation (

Italian: Supporta CPSGaza: mantieni gi osservatori internazionali nelle acque di Gaza

Il Civil Peace Service Gaza è un’iniziativa internazionale non militante e non violenta, per monitorare potenziali violazioni dei diritti umani nelle acque territoriali di Gaza. In coordinazione con le organizzazioni locali e i pescatori, l’obiettivo di questa missione internazionale è quello di occuparsi del problema principale delle violazioni costanti dei diritti umani dei pescatori Palestinesi. Accompagnando le barche dei palestinesi che cercano di guadagnare la propria sopravvivenza per mezzo della pesca nei porti di Gaza, CPSGaza spera di mobilitare la comunità internazionale e far pressione sul governo israeliano affinché cessi gli attacchi in corso contro i pescatori.

Ci sono 4450 pescatori e l’industria della pesca da lavoro ad altri 2000 pescatori che sostengono approssimativamente 40.000 palestinesi nella striscia di Gaza e coloro che cercano la propria sussistenza con il mare devono affrontare gli arresti, lesioni e morte. Con un tasso di disoccupazione stimato al 45,2%, l’importanza della pesca è inoppugnabile.

L’ imbarcazione con equipaggio formato da osservatori internazionali dei diritti umani, nominata Oliva, accompagna i pescatori regolarmente per documentare e pubblicizzare le aggressioni giornaliere di Israele. Da quando è stato lanciato il progetto in Aprile, l’equipaggio è stato bersaglio delle forze navali Israeliane ma ha continuato ad adempiere la missione di CPSGaza risolutamente.

Durante l’ultimo viaggio, la forza utilizzata da Israele per sbattere contro l’imbarcazione Oliva ha distrutto il motore e stiamo chiedendo il vostro aiuto. Le spese del progetto sono aumentate significantemente a causa del danno al motore. Il tuo contributo può aiutarci ad espanderci e aumentare la consapevolezza sulla situazione a Gaza. Nel poco tempo dal lancio di CPSG: oltre 500 organizzazioni hanno appoggiato questa missione, abbiamo avuto oltre 12.000 visitatori sul nostro sito web ( e siamo già stati oggetto di notizia per parecchie testate giornalistiche importanti.

Per continuare il nostro lavoro abbiamo bisogno del tuo appoggio economico. Per cortesia valuta la possibilità di fare una donazione via PayPal (, trasferendo fondi sul nostro conto bancario o facendo una donazione deducibile dall’imponibile.

Puoi anche mostrare il tuo supporto appoggiando questo progetto: appoggio individuale ( o appoggio organizzativo (

German: Unterstützt CPSGaza: Internationale Beobachter sollen weiterhin in Gaza mitsegeln

Der zivile Friedensdienst Gaza [Civil Peace Service Gaza – CPSGaza] ist eine internationale, überparteiliche und gewaltlose Initiative, um mögliche Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Gazas Küstengewässern zu dokumentieren. In Zusammenarbeit mit örtlichen Organisationen und Fischern will diese internationale Gruppe das grosse Problem der fortgesetzten Verletzung der Menschenrechte von palästinensischen Fischern ansprechen. CPSGaza begleitet die Boote von Palästinensern, die ihren Lebensunterhalt durch das Fischen in Gazas Wassern verdienen wollen, und wendet sich in ihren Berichten an die internationale Gemeinschaft, damit die israelische Regierung durch internationalen Druck zur Beendigung der kontinuierlichen Angriffe auf Fischer gebracht wird.

Es gibt 4450 Fischer in Gaza und die Fischerei beschäftigt weitere 2000 Arbeiter, deren Einkommen etwa 40 000 Palästinenser im Gazastreifen unterstützt. Fischer in Gaza sehen sich bei ihrer Arbeit auf dem Meer mit Verhaftung, Verletzung und Tod konfrontiert. Angesichts der hohen Arbeitslosigkeit, die auf 45,2 Prozent geschätzt wird, ist die Bedeutung der Fischerei unbestritten.

Auf dem Schiff “Oliva” begleiten internationale Menschenrechtsbeobachter die Fischer regelmässig auf das Meer, um die täglichen israelischen Übergriffe zu dokumentieren und zu veröffentlichen. Seit dem Stapellauf im April war die Mannschaft im Visier der israelischen Marine, sie hat aber die Mission der CPSGaza fortgesetzt, ohne sich entmutigen zu lassen.

Während der letzten Reise der Oliva rammte ein israelisches Schiff das Boot mit solcher Wucht, dass der Motor zerstört wurde. Deshalb bitten wir um Ihre Hilfe. Die Ausgaben für das Projekt sind durch diesen Vorfall erheblich angestiegen. Ihr Beitrag kann uns helfen, unsere Mission und die Kenntnis der Öffentlichkeit über die Situation in Gaza zu erweitern. In der kurzen Zeit seit Beginn der Arbeit des CPSGaza haben über 50 Organisationen die Initiative öffentlich unterstützt, über 12 000 Menschen haben unsere Webseite ( besucht und mehrere wichtige Nachrichtenagenturen haben über uns berichtet.

Zur Fortsetzung unserer Arbeit brauchen wir Ihre finanzielle Unterstützung. Wir bitten Sie um eine Spende online durch Pay Pal ( oder durch eine Überweisung auf unser Bankkonto. Steuerlich absetzbare Spenden sind ebenfalls möglich.

Sie können Ihre Unterstützung auch durch eine Unterschrift zeigen: Individuell unter:( Organisationen unter: (

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

CPSGaza Report - June and July 2011


8 June 2011 – 30 June 2011

The Oliva has carry out 9 missions, from 8:00am to 12:00am. Two international observers and a Palestinian Captain conform always the Sea team, and one international observer and a Palestinian observer conform always the land team.

During this period of time 6 attacks from Israeli Navy over Palestinian fishermen were reported; the 11th , 17th, 18th, 21st and 23th of June. The attacks happened when the Oliva was not sailing. No incident was witnessed by the Oliva while carrying on its mission.

All the attacks took place in Northern Gaza Strip. No casualties, injuries were reported as a result of the attack. Two Palestinians fishermen were arrested and released later. Three Palestinian fishing boats were damaged (boats and engines).

During this period of time, the Oliva crew observed that whenever they were approaching an area were the Israeli Navy was attacking Palestinian Fishermen, the Israeli Navy withdraw the area after noticing the Oliva presence and their call announcing their mission.

No direct contact was hold between Israeli Navy and the crew of the Oliva.

1 July 2011 – 20 July 2011

During this period, the Israeli Navy has changed their operational mode, and between the 13th and the 21st of July the Oliva was attacked four times, it became a direct target. Once the Israeli Navy observed that the Oliva was sailing their goal was directly facing and attacking the Oliva, trying to sink it, always inside the three mile limit imposed unilaterally by Israel, the area where the Oliva operates.

The Oliva has carry out 9 missions. From 8:00am to 13:00pm. Two international observers and a Palestinian Captain conform always the Sea team, and one international observer and a Palestinian observer conform always the land team.

During this period there have being 5 attacks from Israeli Navy over Palestinian fishermen reported, while the Oliva was not sailing, and 4 attacks over the Oliva and international press boats; the 3rd ,4th, 5th, 9th, 13th, 14th, 16th and 20th of July.

As a result of the attacks 1 Palestinian fishermen boat was damaged, the Oliva was damaged and the engine destroyed, at least 1 person was injured (light injures). No one was arrested.

The CPS Gaza international Observers have received Israeli threats to use life ammunition against them in case they sail again.

Now the CPSGaza is trying to assure security conditions for its observers while carrying on its mission, before sailing again.